How Water Extract and Soil Test Analysis Contribute to Enhance Crop Yield?
To improve the growth of a crop, it is recommended to ascertain the nature of the soil and enrich it with the requisite nutrients accordingly. Methods such as soil test analysis and 1:2 water extract are among the valuable ones to execute this task. Here it is worthwhile knowing more about them.
Soil analysis: Put into layman terms, this test refers to the chemical extractions of soil minerals. It is carried out to predict the nutrients in the soil, which are ripe for the growth of the desired crop. Despite being one of the most traditionally used methods, its efficacy is limited. From the perspective of plant physiology, the results from this test exhibit an insignificant correlation with the crop response.
1:2 Water extract analysis: This is comparably an advanced method, which involves measuring the water soluble nutrients. It also determines the quantity that is available for uptake by the plant roots. It is effective in restoring the soil productivity, followed by its apt maintenance. These coveted objectives are achieved by using a combination of mineral fertilizers and biological sources of nutrients, in fixed proportion. It is also helpful in understanding the ingrained chemistry between soil and plant.
However, for an ideal yield, application of both these methods is important in appropriate manner. They are beneficial in ascertaining the soil nutrient content, as well as in determining nutrient availability for the crop. They give a better understanding of what is already available in the soil, and what needs to be applied.
Preferred modes for agriculture companies
Companies working in agriculture field prefer adopting these two methods to devise the strategy for manufacturing products. After performing these tests on different soil samples, they identify the requirement of plants nutrients. Consequently, their products specifically intend to suffice the lack of those elements, and contain amino acid chelate and complexes of fulvic acid nutrients in abundance. This further ensures proper consumptions by plants, hence leading optimally functioning crops.
Arguably, Agrilibrium is an ideal service provider in this regard, as it offers a range of nutrient rich products for improved plant uptake and excellent crop yield. With elements like liquid sulphur, amino acid, fulvic acid, etc. as its main constituents, it contributes exceptionally in restoring and maintaining the natural balances. Some of its widely used products include Dyno Sulf, DynoCrop, LiquidCompost, QCM 360 and more. Through all these vital produces, the Africa based company commits itself toward ensuring superior quality standards.