Key Differences between the Conventional and Organic Farming in South Africa

Key Differences between the Conventional and Organic Farming in South Africa

Even if neophyte farmers need to know the differences between conventional and organic farming in South Africa, however, you really can’t achieve organic purity without encountering some challenges economically. Securing certification for pure organic farming is even challenging based on the ability of the farmer to document the process to prevent cross-pollination and testing. This is particularly difficult if your market is overseas where standards on organic produce are strictly followed.

Argument for Organic

Organic farming advocates will tell you that it’s the way toward a more sustainable food security. More importantly, it’s a way to help the environment as too much synthetic chemicals injected into the soil can’t be good for the ecology. What most people probably don’t know is that when referring to organic agriculture, it’s not the absence of pesticides. It’s using organic-based pesticides and natural inputs such as liquid sulphur, for instance, unlike conventional agriculture which uses synthetic fertilizers. It’s also supposedly cheaper. Resourced-challenged communities, for example, can derive many benefits of buying various amino acids nutrient products for improving the soil rehabilitation and soil structure.

The market for organic products is also growing as more and more people are now conscious about the type of nutrients and chemicals in the food that they put into their own bodies.

Argument for Conventional Farming

Advocates of conventional farming will tell you that their method will result to a greater yield, which is ultimately the main purpose, right? First world countries know full well the benefits of genetically modified products and synthetic chemicals. In fact, a significant number of farmers claims that the use of GM reduced their dependence on chemical pesticides. On the flip side, developing countries like some parts of Africa found success in organic farming methods as well. One element of success when you look at successful models of organic farming is their closer attention to soil analysis. While it’s best reserved for another topic, it’s important that you research for innovative tips to know more about soil test analysis.

Maintaining Balance

Whether you go by conventional or organic method, however, there are benefits to buying various amino acid chelates and nutrient products for improve the soil rehabilitation and soil structure. You need to restore the balance of the soil through the judicious use of mineral inputs and other biological sources (plant nutrients). Here, the importance of soil analysis could not be underscored enough. It’s the only way to know what is lacking in your soil to come up with a plan on how to rehabilitate it for optimal plant growth.

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