Why soil test analysis is necessary for cultivation?

Why soil test analysis is necessary for cultivation?

When it comes to knowing the type of fertilizer that would match the soil, farmers find it extremely difficult as there are various factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as, requirement of his crops and the characteristics of the soil. Thus, soil test analysis becomes one of the precious tools for effective farming purpose as it will determine the inputs required for efficient and economic production.

Soil, indeed, is the most important aspects of reaping agricultural benefits. Evaluating the nature of the land before sowing any type of crops is vital to derive maximum agricultural benefit. Soil test analysis can serve various purposes as it will help analyze the following facts:

Nutrition level: By detecting the nutrients available in the soil and those that are unavailable, the analysis give farmers a service leading to better and more economic use of fertilizers and better soil management, thereby promoting higher crop yield.

pH Level: Some soils are alkaline while some are acidic in nature that affects the absorption power of nutrients by plants. Soil test analysis, hence, provides the information of the pH level present in the land that helps in deciding which crop should be sown in that particular land.

Nitrogen level: Proper amount of nitrogen is required for the healthy growth of pants, flowers, and seeds. Through soil test analysis farmers can get to know the nitrogen level of their land.

There are various other things such as the presence of Sulphur, Potassium, harmful weeds, etc, that can be detected and hence the information can be used for the purpose of effective farming.

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